วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinions

Parents in this time want to take care of their children like in their opinion and now everybody is not the same so every parent has different opinion. I will tell you what is my parent’s opinion and I will grow up like.
My parents think family is very important and they think in this time the one of the biggest problem (in Thailand) is people in the family does not love each other. Some parents kill their child and they think it is very bad so I must always eat breakfast and dinner with my parents and Sunday is my family’s day.
About society ,they lived is this society for about 44 years so they can see many things changed and sometimes they do not like it such as news about mother kill her child or Thailand has bombs everyday . But they like something that changed too such smaller mobile phone or internet so they do not worried about society.
My parents think that school is important for the society and now there are a lot of bad school and sometimes they talk about it that Thailand need more good teacher that really want to teach not just did not have job and come to be teacher.
All of this is my parent’s opinion about Family, Society and School. Thank you for reading.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do I feel when I do something special or important?

When I do something special if it is the good thing such as I will have birthday party at first I will be very excited and want to do it .But if it is something that I must do well or thing that I do not like such as a test or have an audition I will be anxious and a little bit scared. If I passed it and I did it well I will be relieved and happy but if I did it badly I will be more anxious about it. For example, I like to play in a concert very much. My biggest concert was my father’s company New Year party in 2006. It happened at my house and the audience was about 500 people. The first time when I found out I must to do it, I was very excited. I thought I must do it well so it made me a little bit stress. So I chose songs that I and my friends like. Before I went on the stage I was very excited but when I played it I felt ecstatic. But the audience was not very satisfied because I chose unsuitable songs. I played for people that were not very rich and most of them don’t live in Bangkok. But I didn’t feel sad or something bad because it is my experience. Next time I will choose the song that the audience will be satisfied.