วันพุธที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


My parents are the people who expect the most from me because in the future I must live by myself, Nobody will give me money anymore and I must look after them too .If I am a stupid man or can’t do anything sure I will have a bad life and I can’t look after them too .So they sent me to the good school and they want me to study hard and this is the reason why my mother asks me about the homework every time I come home. My society has a lot of expectations for me because I am a young man that will grow to the man in the future and everybody wants to live in the good so they expect every teenager to be a good man and make our society better. “Good society “ means nobody kills other people , It doesn’t have bad students that will fight every time they meet student from other schools , no thieves, everybody can live in the society without worrying . I think now our society is not a really good society because this society still has a lot of thieves, a lot of bad student so we must be the good people to make our society better.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

ohm กล่าวว่า...

I agree with your ideas. How could we live in society without working hard? Nobody will take care of you and give you the money forever you must work and earn the money by yourself. I think all we got to do now is focus on the lesson and future. I must think about my future what university that I am going to study in. What subject that I want to study in university. I think it is very important to people in our age to think about the future.
I like your last paragraph I think if our society doesn’t have thieves or mafia our society will be the better place

From Just Do !T